

Monday, November 28, 2011

… little touches

I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving weekend.
I did. . . but for me that means staying as far away as possible from stores & the craziness of shopping frenzies & the crowds. . . (I am not a 'crowd' person at all.)

For me, Dad & Bailey. . . we had a wonderfully quiet weekend, filled with a little bit of getting the house ready for the holidays. Dad worked a bit on the outside, & I worked on the inside.

I hauled a few of the Christmas boxes down from the attic & decided that I would use what I found in those boxes only, & not bring everything out. I thought, at first, that it might not work, but as it turned out. . . it was fun! The decorations this year have a little more homespun look. . . & I'm liking it a lot. 

After a couple of years with Dad not really wanting a tree put up, I did put a little 3 foot tree up this year. I started hinting to him about 3 weeks ago that I was thinking of doing a little tree this year. . . so he could get used to it. . . & I'm thinking he is actually really liking it. My big hint was when, one of the boxes had a little 18" tree in it. . . & I mentioned to Dad that it would look really nice in his room . . . on his dresser. I left it out on a dining room chair (plugged in & lit-up), & before I knew it. . . he had taken it into his room. . . where it is bringing a wonderful soft light to his room. (sigh!)

I'm off to the quilt shop today. . . but before I go, I want to say, "thank you!" to all of you who have taken part in the 'Counting My Blessings' sale that is going on at the website. . . & to remind you that this sale will be ending in a couple of days. . !. . . so be sure to check it out before it's gone! (. . . I've also added a few more quilts to the 'sample quilts for sale' page. . . perfect for gifts for a special person!)

Hope you day is full of blessings!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

… seeing the gifts. . .

What a blessing it is that we have this day
to stop & think of all the blessings that we have.

Sometimes these blessings are simple gifts 
that we can too easily take for granted.

I find myself surrounded
with blessings
. . . & those wonderful simple gifts.

Included in my simple gifts . . .
. . . the sound of Dad in the kitchen getting the turkey 'dressed'
. . . that I get to prepare all the rest of the fixin's while he will be taking a nap. . .
& a bit later we will sit together, hold hands, thank the Lord together,
. . . & simply. . . that we have this time together.

I am truly blessed.

I pray that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, & that the blessings & simple gifts that are yours come to your mind & heart throughout the beginning of this busy holiday season.

(. . . by the way, I count you as a blessing too!)

. . . & if you can take a minute or two. . .
here's one of my favorite songs. . . perfect for today 
(done so beautifully by Yo Yo Ma, & Allison Krause)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

daybook ::42::

for today :: November 16, 2011  
(I feel like I should start bidding 2011 farewell. . . because it's going by so quickly!)

outside my window. . .  after some (wonderful) cloudy, drizzly days. . .(we get kinda excited about having rainy days). . .  we are having a beautiful,  sunny autumn day (love these too!).

I am thinking . . .  about some fun little quilt-y gifts I'm making this week.

from the kitchen. . .  coffee (of course!), . . . & some of my favorite Ghirardelli 60% Caoco chips. (. . .a must have for pattern writing. . . !)

I am wearing. . . t-shirt & comfy J.Jill pants. . . (just like wearing jammies. . . but not as embarrassing if I need to answer the door!)

I am creating . . .  a shopping list  - for all the cookies & yummies I am planning to make! (. . .  love baking!. . . & even more so - this time of the year.)

I am remembering. . .  to slow down & appreciate what I have.

I am reading. . .  just finished 'The Scarlet Thread' by Francine Rivers . . . & am actually pondering the next book. . .

I am hoping . . .  to get out my watercolors this week.

I am hearing. . .  one very busy (& noisy) birdie - outside. . . & Bailey making his 'I'm-running-&-running-&-running-in-my-dream' little noises. (. . . oh, how I wonder what he is dreaming!)

around the house. . .  lot's of shipping envelopes & boxes. . . just waiting for 'By My Hand' to arrive from the printer.

I am going. . .  to go on a 'date' with my Dad. . . to the library to get him a card & then to lunch.

one of my favorite things. . .  when we actually get chilly weather in autumn & get to wear sweaters!. 

a few plans for the rest of the week. . . working one day at the quilt shop, making gifties, shipping orders (thank you for all the orders!. . .  keeping me very busy!), & more pattern writing!

from my picture journal . . .

close-up of one of the 'By My Hand' blocks.
(. . . can you tell I'm already thinking about decorating my tree?. . . I am!)

. . . wishing you a wonderful autumn day!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

… counting my blessings

Yep!. . . It's that time. . .
. . . when I like to share in my blessings 
& let you know how much of a blessing you are to me!

On the website patterns & books are 30% off (or more!). . .
. . . & I'll be adding a few sample quilts as well!

. . . & there are a bunch of cute little giftie things too!

Also, (just for you!),
I've added some fun little bundles of my newest line -
 Durham Collection Anew 2011

So, I just wanted to pop in here & let you know,
. . . & to say 'thank you'.
In so many ways you are such a blessing!
