

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

'spring'-ing back

Hi folks.
Firstly, thank you for all the sweet emails asking about how we were.
We (Dad, Bailey & I)  are fine. . .
. . . I'm just flunking at blogging lately!

Lots going on. . .
So. . . let's see if I can do a bit of a run-down. (It may be a bit random!)

. . . I've been trying to figure out what season we are in. We had freezing temps last week while the rest of the country was warm. . . but this week, it's looking more like late March here in Arizona. (Although, I have seen it snow in April here. . . so who knows!)

. . . I have though, pulled out spring looking quilts & some spring-y accessories for around the house. . . so regardless of what the temps are. . . I'm having spring inside!

. . . I've finally finished my blocks for my 'Aunt Millie's Garden' quilt (by Piece-O-Cake).
. . . I've only been working on them for the past 2 years with my Monday night quilting buddies. . . thought it would take about a year! lol!
(We'll have to see how long it takes to actually finish the quilt top!)
(those are the blocks in the right side of the photo below.)

. . . I've been subbing (a lot!) at the school that I used to teach at. . . (& I'm finding that I'm loving it!) . . . Wow. I have really missed the kids. 
. . . That makes for some interesting days, as sometimes I don't know that I'm subbing until early that morning! (. . . but it's helping me be more spontaneous!)

New designs coming really soon!. . .
. . . got the covers back from the printer for the first quilt for a new quilt pattern collection, . . . got the second quilt design in the new pattern collection back from Nubin (my quilter) & I'm sewing on the binding (love that part!), & have another surprise stitchery pattern at the printers. . .
. . . so my hope is that there will bunches of peeks next week!

. . . my sweet brother, Scott,  & his wonderful wife, Jodi, are arriving tomorrow for a visit. . . & I can't wait to see them (!). I've scheduled a pedicure for Jodi & I on Thursday morning so that we can have some 'girl' time. . . & so that I can get all caught up on the wedding plans for their two daughters later this year. . . (!)

. . . & did I mention that I'm making two wedding quilts? I've got one started & the other is in my sketchbook & I'm in the collecting fabrics stage. . . but I'm loving it all!

So. . . that's some of  the latest for what's up around here.

. . . now, I've got to make sure the guest room as all ready!  :o)

Hope it's spring-y where you are! (. . . or will be soon!)
