

Thursday, June 21, 2012

… just because

… just because it's good to remember what's really important. . .
(I apologize for the little ad before the video - I couldn't remove it. . .)

. . . In honor of my Mom who was born on this day.
She taught me by how she lived her life what really matters.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

… introducing Betsy's Closet - In Stitches

I feel like I've been even saying this a lot lately (. . . & that's a good thing!)

. . . but I had so much fun making this little quilt!

Firstly. . . there's stitchery involved. . . & once I started stitching the little outfits. . . I couldn't stop. . . they were so addictive! (. . . & were so easy to stitch!)

I've just uploaded the pattern onto the website. . . & while they last. . .
there are KITS as well! The kits include the fabrics for the quilt top, all eleven of the Cosmo embroidery flosses used, & the pattern too! The kits will be for a limited time only. . . so please don't wait if you want one!

Thanks to all of you who have sent such sweet emails & comments. They mean so much, & make me so happy to be doing what I do.

Hope you have a great week. . . ! Happy summer to those of us in the upper hemisphere (& be sure to keep cool!)


Thursday, June 14, 2012

… still cleaning & sorting

Yep. . . I'm still at it.

Actually, I'm making myself go though all the fabrics & quilts that I have. . .
& I'm making myself be honest with myself as to whether I will ever get to the project that I purchased the fabrics for? 
. . .  So, I've gone through my stash - one more time & I've decided to part with some more of the bundles. I'm being honest with myself that I'll never get to use the whole bundle - so I'm keeping some of the extra yardage I have of these - so that I can still 'have' some of them & will be making smaller projects.

So. . . if you've been looking for these . . & can't find them any more. .  here you go! . . 

These are some of the items that I've just posted on the 'tag sale' page of the website:

Strawberry Fields - fat quarter bundle

Summertime Friends - fat quarter bundle

Charlevoix - fat eighth bundle

Breakfast At Tiffany's - fat eighth bundle

I've also added two more quilts to the 'Sample Quilts' page. . .

Mill's Cabin (68" x 68")

Patchwork Penny Candy (58" x 58")

So. . . there you go!
I'll also be going through what remains of my fabric lines
 & will be making some little bundles for you. . . soon!

The quilt top for the little 'Betsy's Closet - in Stitches' (yesterday's post) is all put together 
& I'm off to quilt it (first to 'decide' how I want to quilt it!). . .
I'll give you peeks as soon as I get it finished! (I'm want to hurry & get it quilted, 
so that I can sit & have something to bind!
. . . I just love that part!)

Hope you have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

… a little stitching here. . .

It's been a draining week or so, getting the last fabric line all prepped & completed.

But, it's done, (. . . inside I'm doing a happy dance, but outside, I'm a wee bit too tired!), & last evening I uploaded & sent the off the files. (whew!)

It's amazing to me of how the whole process starts off so tactile - so hands-on - for me. . . & yet there is now this technological part of getting the drawings, paintings, sketches, & vintage fabric pieces that I start with, ready for the fabric mill to be able to produce it.

Me. . . while I love the whole process of design,
. . . I'm more of a tactile person. 
So over the last week, in the evenings, when I just couldn't look at the computer screen & 'paint' another detail for the fabric line, I sat & played with my Betsy's Closet dress designs.

I reduced their size - so that this will be a little quilt size,
. . . & I had such fun!

. . . stitching the fabric prints!

. . . one would lead to another. . .

. . . & to another. . . until I had all of them done.
(I was actually a little sad when I was done stitching!)

But today. . . with the last fabric design completed & sent off. . .
I'm going to spend the day in the studio making the little sashing  & borders for my little Betsy's Closet stitcheries. (. . . & I can feel another happy dance coming!)

. . . & yes, since many have been asking for this over the years, I will be making this a pattern. First it will be an exclusive on the website (& there will be a limited number of kits too!), so keep a look out!

Hope you have a wonderful day!
