

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

… summer days

Hi folks.

I finally got to do a little catch-up blog reading, & so I know I'm not alone when I say that it feels like days are rushing by! It's the middle of July already!?!. . . really? 

I've been keeping so very busy, finishing the stitching on all my new stitchery designs (counted cross-stitch) that I will be debuting next month at the TNNA Fall Market in St. Charles. I still have the framing & finishing to do, but I feel good to have all the stitching completed. . . & I loved every minute of it.

I hadn't done any cross-stitch for several years, & as I have been drawn back to it, I have realized how much the scope of it has broadened & how much love there is now for samplers & how so many stitchers are taken by & love the history of needle-working. It excites me very much, to be creating new designs that are inspired by the past & somehow, in my heart, connect with the needleworkers of the past (& hopefully of today as well!). I will try to take some peek/teaser photos of some of my new designs to share. (. . . & I will try to be a better blogger!)

I also have a few new quilt patterns that are taking a bit of a back seat to the stitching, & one that I'm finishing up the embroidery border for, as I seem to always have a needle in my hand for some project. ()

Because I had been away from my sewing machine for a little bit, I was missing piecing, . . . & when I saw the cute little basket block challenge from Temecula Quilt Co., I was immediately hooked. (scroll down to the June 30 post for the info & link to the pattern)
They are wee little blocks (finishing at 2" x 2")!. . . but are honestly addictive. The challenge is to make one each day for the months of July & August, but with the needlework market in August coming up, I cut all the background fabrics for all the blocks first (I'm using Moda Muslin - warm white), so that I could make some ahead of the one-a-day pace. For my basket fabrics, all the fabrics I am using are coming from my stash. Yesterday was my sew day with some friends, & so I used the time to cut all but a few of the rest of the basket pieces as well.  This means that in the next few days, as I'm fine tuning the charts & patterns for the new stitcheries. . . & the *need* to walk away from the computer for a little bit, I can go in & sew together another wee little basket block! 
(. . . happy girl) !

I also want to thank all of you who left comments & sent messages about Bailey & asked how he did with his 'Thundershirt'. 
(Bailey says "thank you" too!)
Believe it or not. . . we didn't have to put it to the test on July 4th. Not a single neighbor shot off fireworks! I was amazed. . . (& so thankful!) Since then though, the summer thunderstorm season has started & so we have put it into use & it does help calm him. He's not oblivious to the big booms when they happen, but he doesn't pace or pant like he used to. So I'm feeling that it does help him. . . & anything that helps out my little boy not to be so scared is great in 
my book. 

So, for today, I'm off to finish up the charts for the new stitcheries. . . & maybe make a basket block or two. . . (. . . or three. . . or four), & I'll be checking twitter now & again to see if there is any royal baby news(!)

Thanks for stopping by!
