

Monday, January 6, 2014

:: welcome 2014 ::

Well. .  . here we are in 2014.  I am one of those that felt like 2013 went faster than I sometimes felt I could keep track of. . . but I must admit, I have been looking forward to the arrival 2014. Even though, in reality it is a new day - as in any other, somehow the freshness of the knowledge of a new year makes it a special day somehow. 

I spent the arrival of this new year - with this little face (top photo) looking up at me. 
Bailey was all set in his ThunderShirt & I had been putting some drops of the Bach's Flower Essence drops called 'Rescue Remedy' in his water for the last few days. . . (Rescue Remedy is a natural essence that helps with anxiety & they now make it in a pet formula that is wonderful. . . (a big thank you Holly  for introducing me to it!)). . . but even the smallest loud pop of a firework scares my little guy. So, he stayed on the floor (where I lay a bunch of quilts out for him. . . trying to make a snuggle-y spot for him) & this year he spent his time either peeking out from my closet - or he 'glued' himself to the side of my bed. . . where I was staying up stitching & telling him that everything was going to be alright. Thankfully, there were only a few fireworks set off in our neighborhood, & so Bailey's shaking calmed down & we were in bed by 1 a.m..  I am still getting this look every evening - as he seems to equate the 'pop' noises with it getting dark outside & it's as if he is anticipating the noise. Poor little guy. He's getting better every evening - so I'm hoping that by mid-week he will be able to settle with no fear of the fireworks.

I wanted to share with you some little pin-keeps that I made for some special quilting-stitching friends. I had a tea just before the end of the year for the four of us & had these ready for them. I had so much fun making them. I used one of Kathy Schmitz monogram wreath designs for the front, & then I made some little double nine-patch block for the back. I love how they reflect two of my loves - stitchery & quilting. . . (& rick-rack too!)  Believe it or not - I completely forgot to take any photos of the tea party. I was having so much fun making the tea sandwiches, salads, & a chocolate macadamia nut tart, that I completely forgot to take photos! I plan to do more tea parties - so I will try to do better in the photo department next time. 

I hope that you have had a wonderful start to this new year. . . & that if you are in a part of the US that is having such incredibly cold weather - that are able to stay warm. . .! (please take extra care!).
I have a few special things that I am hoping to get to share with you in the next few posts. . . & I hope that until then you know how much it means to me that you stop by my blog.



  1. Poor little guy. My kitties don't like it either. I really want a puppy, but not sure about the noise issue. Oh well, not in the cards right now.

  2. Happy New Year, Bren and Bailey!
    I just squealed when I saw the nine patch, stitched, pincushion-y gifts you made for your quilting friends. They are so wonderful!!! I bet your friends loved them. I have been stitching Kathy Schmitz' Sweet Stitches BOMs and am going to make them into a quilt when I'm all finished. Seven down, five to go...
    Well, enough for now.
    Wishing you and yours a healthy and prosperous 2014.
    Donna and Tag

  3. Poor Bailey! Absolutely love the red, the nine-patch, the whole of them, they are just gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. I am staying holed up in my warm apartment. No school for two days (I drive bus). Have been listening to the wind howl for days, but so thankful to be warm. Love reading your posts, Bren. Best wishes in this brand new year. ~Joyce


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