

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

:: Changes

It’s been awhile... I know.

A few posts ago (when there had been quite a spell between my postings), I apologized & promised that I would be posting more, & more often.

But then, ... Life.

Life has become increasingly more complicated over the last few years - & so recently, with one more life event coming into play, I decided to make some changes. Changes that I think are for the best overall.

To play a little ‘catch up’..., my father, who turned 90 last January, lives with me. While he has been doing great for a man of his age, this past June he had to have emergency surgery, & it has taken a toll. He’s working hard to regain strength, but there is a marked difference. He’s now using a walker, & was told by the doctor that he didn’t want him driving, & that has been a hard pill for my Dad to take. But, I’m just so thankful that he's here at home & I can check on him easily.

I don’t know if I ever mentioned it - but about 4 1/2 years ago - when health insurance (especially for us here in Arizona) went sky-high, I decided to get a little outside the home - part time job. I was blessed to get a job with a company that provided full benefits to employees that worked 20 or more hours. It truly has been great, it was the kind of a job that didn’t use a creative bone in my body - & I could even take some design work with me to do when it got slow. (Truly a blessing of a job - right?!!!) 

It’s been a great chapter - but with the changes at home, I know that it’s time to leave the part-time job. While I love the folks I’ve worked with, I know I want to be home. Available for my Dad. Also, I started the part-time job just before my first fabric collection, Ambleside, came out with Moda, & I’ve always felt that I’ve had to put so many things that relate to developing my own business on the back burner. So, It will be so wonderful to get to focus more on designing more, & building up my little website shop. I’ve got so many things that have been floating around in my head for the past few years - that I haven’t had the time to develop & follow up with... so I’m looking forward to working on some of those projects.

I also have really missed the interaction with all of you. If there is one place I have kept up with things - social media-wise, it’s been over on Instagram. While I’m not the biggest fan of some if the changes that have happened (new algorithms) - it still is the easiest way for me to communicate quickly. So, I encourage you - if you haven’t created an account (which, by-the-way, you don’t ever have to post anything... you can just follow the folks you want...) to go ahead a check it out. My IG account is @brengr. (... & if you do decide to join up - leave me a comment to let me know!)

The other thing that I will be having more time to do - is to post here. To be honest, for a little bit, I did consider closing the blog. But, I’ve decided that really what it needs is just some attention & a little tender-loving-care. So, I’ll be working on that. For me, because of the fact that Instagram has adopted some of the Facebook algorithms, (which too often means to ‘now you see it - now you don’t’), I want to keep this platform open to communicate with my friends & customers. (... and, as this post demonstrates... sometimes ‘talk’ your ‘ear’ off!)

So, there are some changes in the wind. And, while I know some changes can take some time, I’m hoping that this change - of me being more present here on the blog - will be a good one... one that you will enjoy.

Thanks for being here.

With all my - Bren