

Monday, November 19, 2018

:: Counting My Blessings

This has been quite a year... life has definitely been interesting!
Days have been filled with changes, beginnings (& endings), & being reminded of how fleeting life can be. It's also been a year where I have been surrounded by the support & encouragement of friends, & family, & for that I am so thankful.

I'm also so grateful that I get to be a part of such a wonderful group of people... & that would be quilters & stitchers... & the fact that I get to design & be a part of these groups is daily such a blessing to me.

And... while I'm counting my blessings... I'm counting you! I want to thank you so much for visiting my little blog... especially as I haven't been the best at keeping up with you (something I'm working on!).  And, if you've followed me for very long - you know that this time of year - I like to celebrate & show my gratitude with a 'Counting My Blessings' sale on my website... & it's starting today!

I've been a busy little bee for the past few days, cutting & cutting & folding & pressing & making over 550 fat quarters (whew!) that have been grouped into fun bundles that can't be found anywhere else! Also, all the patterns, notions, fabrics (yes, there's some yardage added to the website!), & even the sample quilts are on sale for 15% - 30%!

If you would like - I'd love for you to check it out... & find a wonderful gift for yourself or one of your wonderful quilter/stitcher kind of friends that we all love so!

So, before all the flurry of this holiday season takes off this week, I hope you find the time to also look around you & find all those blessings that surround you too!
