

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

:: A Cover Peek...!!

To say that I'm excited to announce this... would be a huge understatement...!

As soon as I received the 'go-ahead' from Martingale Publishing, I wanted to show you the peek of the cover of my book! ) I've had the cover proof for a few weeks now & it's been sooo hard to not share it!

As you can see, the book has been given the title 'Acorn Cottage' (Quilts with Simple & Sophisticated Style)... which I love. This whole process has been like a dream & I can't wait to share more photos (as soon as I get them!),  & some of the wonderful occurrences (or as some would call them 'God-winks) in the process of the making of this book.

Last week, I sent back the proofs for all the pages, & I couldn't be happier. I am over-the-moon with the photography & the graphics & everything about it. It truly has been the best experience working with the amazing folks at Martingale.

Acorn Cottage is scheduled to be released in January 2020, & so there's a little time for more peeks!

More to come - as soon as I can share!
