It was so fun to get to read about what you all love about quilting. . . I wish I could have awarded you all a prize. Hopefully you, like me, will find the rewards of quilting are great no matter.
The comments were especially great to read as I am in the midst of the craziness (read: moderate panic) of the week or so before Quilt Market, & they helped me remember why I love this so! I'm not especially fond of the pre-Market crunch that comes every time. . . but I must admit that underneath it all, I'm pretty excited. This is the first Market where I will have a line of fabric (Celebration) being introduced . . . & I think that's why I wish there were more time. . . I'd love to make more projects with it for my booth. But, I will have several - (& there will be more in the Lecien booth) - & I plan to be releasing additional patterns using 'Celebration' in November & January as well. . . So stay tuned!
I took the last of the quilts for my booth over to my quilter's yesterday. . . & I'm busy stitching away on a new project using Lecien's wonderfully smooth embroidery floss - COSMO - for the special booth they will have - just for their COSMO floss! (So if you are coming to Market. . . be sure to see it!).
I promise that I will give you some peeks this week . . . but for now. . . I hear my stitchery calling my name!!!
xo, Bren
Hey, Bren! I was thinking of you this morning: I was folding your lovely fabrics and organizing. That shade of raspberry is just divine! Have a great time at market!
you go girl!
I can't wait to see all your projects. ETC!!!!
Sorry I missed your giveaway- I have been out of the loop lately (and yet, feeling a little "loopey"!!!)
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