

Saturday, September 22, 2012

… a wonderful. . . exhausting week.

Whew!. . . what a week.

As many of you might know, I used to teach (high school art) at a local private school, & last year I went back & started substitute teaching. I have loved it. Loved getting to be with the kids again, & I even gotten to be back in my old classroom a couple of times.

This past week I've been subbing the sixth grade core classes.

. . . nuff said.

I had a wonderful time. . . but,
I.  am.  exhausted.

It's that good kind of tired, but I must admit that surely enjoyed sleeping in an extra hour - until 6:30 this morning!

The sixth grade is the youngest class at the school, as it is a middle school - high school. Mostly I have subbed at the high school grades, but I must admit that what I did l love the most, was that on Friday, my last day subbing the 6th graders, I got hugs, & some of the kids came back into the classroom after school, when I was straightening-up the room, to say thank you. Honestly. . . how could you not love that!

I had to laugh at myself though, because every night this past week, I have been in bed about 8 - 8:30 & lights out no later than 9:00 pm. I was that tired! (lol!)

What I missed the most about this last week, was getting to work on some new projects, as much as I wanted to. . . but after getting home, filling orders (no complaints there!), & trying to keep up with emails, I was pretty much spent.

This is the little bit of stitching that I did get to do. I can't wait to show you the finished projects. . . (the other one is wool on flannel!)

Soon though. . . I will try my hardest to make it as soon as possible. 

I do want to thank you for the response to my fabric line 'Hill Farm'. I was made aware that Jenny at her Sew Fabulous Quilt Shop Blog did a post asking folks to vote for their favorite lines from 12 lines that she was considering for her quilt shop. I'm so pleased to find out that Hill Farm was one of the top lines chosen! What a treat!
Lecien will be taking orders for Hill Farm - only through the end of September (just a week away!) - so if you are a shop owner, & are considering it. . . don't wait! (Checker & E.E. Schenck are also taking orders for Hill Farm as well.)
The fabrics are due out in November. . . & I'm going to be spending some time between now & then making some new projects with it. . . so be sure to come back & see, okay?

Until then . . . I'm going to be going to bed earlier. . . (I've actually liked getting to bed earlier. . !)  & getting up earlier. It's a nice way to welcome in autumn, as the days get shorter, & the evenings come so much more quickly. I like the getting up before the sun rises, & get to witness the pink sunrises that come with cooler weather.
(. . . plus, it's very handy, just in case I get an early morning call to sub for the day!)

Hope you have a wonderful start to (what I must admit is my favorite season) autumn!


Friday, September 14, 2012

… update on bundles & kits. . .

Just popping in to let you know that I just added a limited number of 
fat-eighth bundles of 'Hill Farm' onto the website. 
. . . it's like a little sneak peek, as the fabrics won't be available in shops until November.
I have a very limited amount of fabric this time around. . . so these bundles will be limited!
(sorry, all sold out!)

Also, because the fabrics worked so well with the design. . . 
I also made up some more kits for 'Betsy's Closet - In Stitches, using 'Hill Farm' fabrics!
. . . but again - there are a limited number of the kit that I will be able to make up for you!

Another announcement that I want to throw in here. . . is that I am working on making my patterns available as downloadable pdfs. . . but it's a lot of work & so it's gonna take me a couple of weeks. . . 
I've been looking into it for quite some time, & I can see the positive aspects of making my patterns more accessible for those that aren't near a quilt shop, & especially for international customers(!). I always feel so bad when facing those international shipping charges. . .!
. . . so between working on current designs. . . & things for quilt Market (nope, I'm not going - but I have things that I need to do for the next fabric line), & two graphic design projects. . . I'll be working on getting the pattern pdf's all ready.

Thanks for hanging in there with me!


Monday, September 10, 2012

… Hill Farm . . . at last!

Remember these?

. . . after a couple of 'hiccups'. . .
. . . I am so happy to announce that the sample fabrics for 'Hill Farm'  have arrived & that the fabric reps (for Lecien, as well as the Checker & E.E. Schenk reps) 
now have the fabric hanger samples & will be showing them to shops.
 (yea!. . . big sigh!)

The catch is that they will only be showing these until the end of September - so if you would like for your local shop to carry 'Hill Farm'. . . make sure you mention it soon!

I've been ironing the sample yardage that I received for the past two days. . . 
(& still have another day of pressing. . .), & I am falling in love with these prints all over again.
 I can't wait to start playing with them! I already know that I will be updating one of my first (& favorite) patterns using them. . . & I can see some cute little pouches, pillows, & shams on the horizon as well. 

What I love most - is that they epitomize the 'farmhouse' look that I love. 
I can't help but think of my grandparents farm, as I've been pressing them all. 
They are all so fresh & comforting. . . & you know me. . . that's what I'm all about when it comes to quilting!

If you check on the sidebar (left side) - you will find a link to the free pattern that I designed for 'Hill Farm'. I made it so that it is what I call 'nap size'. . . perfect for an afternoon nap! (I love taking those. . . although I don't get a chance to very often!)

So, I hope that you to enjoy 'Hill Farm'! . . . (& be sure to mention it to your local quilt shop. . . it will be available to order for a limited time!)

(. . . I do believe that it is scheduled to deliver in November)


Monday, September 3, 2012

… boo-boo's aren't fun. . .

. . . just ask Bailey.

He is having to wear what my friend calls the 'cone of shame'.
Not a bunch of fun.
He has only had to wear it once before (when he bit open the stitches from his 'little boy' procedure. . .), & for the first day, he pretty much was afraid to move at all. Giving me the, "but Mom, why?") look.

But after a couple of days. . .
. . . he's getting used to the addition to his daily rounds.

This time, he's having to wear it so that hopefully his leg can heal.
(You can maybe see the spot on his front left leg.)

He has a habit of licking & 'nibbling' it. That's why it looks so dark. . . the saliva  turns his creamy coat darker, & his skin is actually much darker than his coat, so when it is exposed, it really stands out.

His groomer shaved the area for me the last time he was groomed, so that I could apply the ointment from the vet & then bandage it - so that he wouldn't lick it off. . .
. . . but this cute little stinker just started nibbling above the bandage, pushing it down & actually starting a new spot. (!)

So, . . . out came the 'cone of shame'. 

His spot is getting much better & healing over, & I'm hoping that in the time he's wearing it (for almost 1 week now) he will lose the 'habit' of fussing with his leg.
In the 'mean-time', he's also been on a much more restricted diet - to check for allergies (in case they might also be involved.)

But for now. . . he's back to his cute sweet self.
 . . . cone & all.
