

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

:: puppy love

I just couldn't resist (again). . .
I'm not one to watch the Superbowl just for the commercials, 
but I must admit that I have a soft spot for the Budweiser Clydesdale commercials & was tickled today to see this commercial (early!) that will air during the game.

(If you saw last year's commercial - you will recognize the same 'rancher' guy!)

Get ready for some big-time *cute*!

(I understand that there will also be another very special Clydesdale commercial during the Superbowl. . . but I'm thinking I'll just wait to see it after the game on YouTube.!)


Friday, January 24, 2014

:: a little de-stashing

Just wanted to pop in & let you know that I've  just added over 3 pages of items to the 'Tag Sale' section of the website. . . I've been doing some de-stashing & I wanted to be sure to let you know! There are a bunch of bundles, yardage & even some gifts & notions. . . I've put some 'teasers' in the photos above, but trust me. . . there's much more!

You can find the 'Tag Sale' section by clicking 'here'.

(. . . & a reminder, that if you order more than one item - if possible - we always combine them into the smallest package possible for shipping, & then we refund the difference.)

Thanks for letting me post this little website 'commercial'. . . I'll be back soon with what else I've been up to. . .

Hope you have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

:: beautiful girl… beautiful world ::

I just couldn't resist sharing this. . .
 . . . cutest thing I've seen in awhile!

Wishing you a 'beautiful' day!


Monday, January 6, 2014

:: welcome 2014 ::

Well. .  . here we are in 2014.  I am one of those that felt like 2013 went faster than I sometimes felt I could keep track of. . . but I must admit, I have been looking forward to the arrival 2014. Even though, in reality it is a new day - as in any other, somehow the freshness of the knowledge of a new year makes it a special day somehow. 

I spent the arrival of this new year - with this little face (top photo) looking up at me. 
Bailey was all set in his ThunderShirt & I had been putting some drops of the Bach's Flower Essence drops called 'Rescue Remedy' in his water for the last few days. . . (Rescue Remedy is a natural essence that helps with anxiety & they now make it in a pet formula that is wonderful. . . (a big thank you Holly  for introducing me to it!)). . . but even the smallest loud pop of a firework scares my little guy. So, he stayed on the floor (where I lay a bunch of quilts out for him. . . trying to make a snuggle-y spot for him) & this year he spent his time either peeking out from my closet - or he 'glued' himself to the side of my bed. . . where I was staying up stitching & telling him that everything was going to be alright. Thankfully, there were only a few fireworks set off in our neighborhood, & so Bailey's shaking calmed down & we were in bed by 1 a.m..  I am still getting this look every evening - as he seems to equate the 'pop' noises with it getting dark outside & it's as if he is anticipating the noise. Poor little guy. He's getting better every evening - so I'm hoping that by mid-week he will be able to settle with no fear of the fireworks.

I wanted to share with you some little pin-keeps that I made for some special quilting-stitching friends. I had a tea just before the end of the year for the four of us & had these ready for them. I had so much fun making them. I used one of Kathy Schmitz monogram wreath designs for the front, & then I made some little double nine-patch block for the back. I love how they reflect two of my loves - stitchery & quilting. . . (& rick-rack too!)  Believe it or not - I completely forgot to take any photos of the tea party. I was having so much fun making the tea sandwiches, salads, & a chocolate macadamia nut tart, that I completely forgot to take photos! I plan to do more tea parties - so I will try to do better in the photo department next time. 

I hope that you have had a wonderful start to this new year. . . & that if you are in a part of the US that is having such incredibly cold weather - that are able to stay warm. . .! (please take extra care!).
I have a few special things that I am hoping to get to share with you in the next few posts. . . & I hope that until then you know how much it means to me that you stop by my blog.
