But. . . I must admit - that I too . . . am ready for spring to arrive. . . . And, hidden in that statement is the realization that I do believe that I have become a winter wimp. Even living here. . . with a very mild winter (in comparison) - I am so ready for warmer temps. In the past few weeks we've had a few beautiful days (in the 70's) full of hint's of the wonderful spring weather to come. . . & I'm up for it!!!!
So, in the spirit of getting ready for spring, I thought I'd share a little quilt that I made this year. . . & maybe plant a few ideas on your mind for future projects of your own . . .
If you've read my blog for any amount of time - you know how much I love stitchery. Well, this past fall - I re-made one of my applique patterns, 'Apple Blossoms', but this time I traced the applique layout & used it for a stitchery instead.
For the center. . .
For the side setting triangles. . .
& for the corner triangles. . .
(I'm hoping these photos also might help those of you who have emailed & asked about how I quilt my quilts with stitchery. I often just quilt right through the stitchery - but this time my quilter used the stitchery lines as guidelines for her quilting. . . I just love how it all worked out.)
I also simplified the borders a bit & just left off the outer pieced border for this version.

Right now - this quilt is gracing the kitchen table. . . so that we get the reminder throughout the day. . . that spring is coming! So, if you have stitching bug. . . & maybe an applique design that you love. . . try it in stitchery!
I also wanted to tell you. . .
I have a secret!!
. . . but!
. . . I also got permission to give you some peeks. . . !!
. . . so I'll be working on getting a special peek ready for you. . . !
Until then, (!!!!)
♥ Bren