Have you ever had days. . . (or even weeks!). . . where there has not been much that you felt was 'blog-worthy'? . . . Well, that's been me since I returned from Market.
I had all the intentions of taking a bunch of wonderful photos for you from Market - as I didn't have a booth - & was able to walk around. . . but the cold/flu that hit me on the first day has really been a doozey & I ended up not even walking the entire Market floor, & me sneaking out to my car to 'nap' between appointments. So, I apologize - as I came home with really no decent photos of Market. Thankfully, I know that there are bunches of photos of Spring Market on bunches of blogs out there . . . & then there is always Fall Market! I just got my contract for Fall Market (whew!. . . they are on-the-ball!) & will be doing a booth. . . along with my next line for Lecien. . . (& this one is very. . . very special to me , I can hardly wait to show you!).
So, needless to say, I came home one sick puppy & spent more time sick in bed than I have in the past decade. I usually get antsy after having to stay in bed after a day or two. . . but with this cold - I have spent more time sleeping & waking up only long enough to try & start a project . . . just to need a nap. . . again.

Overall, the days have felt pretty quiet. . . with the exception of an evening spent with my Dad in the emergency room. I got a call last Saturday & my Dad had fallen at our local market. Poor guy, he had just wanted some ice cream & he stepped on a grape that someone had dropped at the end of the freezer section aisles. Thankfully everyone knows Dad there - as he goes to the Starbucks within the market pretty much every day, & they took such good care of him. But, when he fell, he landed (hard) on his hip & it was giving him a lot of pain. So, when I got the call (& had to quickly get out of my half-pj's outfit I've been sporting at home lately. . !) - I picked him up & off we went to the local ER. After all the x-rays - the doctor let us know that thankfully, they all came back negative. (They were even surprised!) He could then get a nice dose of pain meds & five hours later, we thankfully came back home. (By-the-way . . . I did stop by the market on the way home - to get my Dad his ice cream. He sooo deserved it after all that he went through!) He had a couple of days with a sore hip - but is doing pretty good! At the suggestion of the nurse, I am still trying to convince him to think about getting a walking stick to use until his hip feels all better . . . Hmmm. . . that one is taking a bit of doing. . . no success just yet.

On the pattern front - my plan was to have my new patterns all ready mid-June, but I have honestly not been able to sit & focus long enough to get any of them finished. Plus, with all the cold medicine in my system, I really didn't trust my ability to write anything clearly! For the past couple of days, I've felt better & so I've made a bit of progress. . . but the new designs should now be ready around the end of June / beginning of July. So sorry for the delay!
See the cute little pincushions? . . . I got these at my local quilt shop. Nancy, the owner carries several handmade items (including vintage quilts!) on consignment. . . & I couldn't resist these. (I've also purchased a vintage quilt or two in the past. . . ) This quilt shop is where I took my first classes. . . & so I consider it my 'home' quilt shop. I remember when it first opened & it has been fun to see it come into it's own. What I love about this shop is that Nancy's goal for it is not to be a shop that is so concerned with quilting 'fads' - but with teaching people all about quilting. She knows what her customers like & amazes me with her ability to know what to buy. It honestly overwhelms me! (I so admire all you shop owners!)

I tell you all about this sweet little shop. . . because I have started working there a day or two each week! (I'm now an official 'shop girl'!) After only working from my home for the past 2 years, I had been feeling like I was losing touch with seeing others & so working at the shop has been perfect. . . & I'm loving it. In fact, I'd best close out this (chatty) post as I'm 'working' at the shop today. (Honestly - it hardly feels like work - it's such a joy!)
So, there's my little bits of what's been happening here. . . Sorry for the rambling. . . kinda like my days lately!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
♥ Bren