This is my view. . .
. . . at least twice a day . . .

. . . whenever I brush my teeth.
I swear Bailey must have toothpaste radar. He just loves it . . . & loves it when he get a tiny (really tiny) taste of it.
That's my boy. He loves his veggies (even lettuce!) & he loves his toothpaste. (well. . . mine!) I'm going to try & see if this love of toothpaste will expand to the doggy kind. (I'm crossing my fingers!)
On the quilty - stitchery front. . .
Do you remember these?
This is part of my little quilt, 'Fond Wishes', that I made - using Lecien's Durham Collection & it's now available on their website as a free pattern! Just click the little 'Fond Wishes' icon on the sidebar & it will take you to the page where you can find it & several other wonderful projects (from Pam, Elizabeth, Mary, & Monica) to download. . . all free! (Thank you Lecien!)
Hoping you all have a great weekend!
xo, Bren
Very pretty. I especially like the basket stitcheries. Here is a link to the pattern on Lecien's English language site:
Thanks for the free pattern site!!Love your dog! My new puppy does the same thing for our on the fridge door ice dispenser. Every time she hears it she runs to the fridge hoping that a cube will fall to the floor. If nothing falls you HAVE to give her one. She plays with it until it mysteriously disappears. They are so cute with their little ways.
Take care and love your stitch work!
beautiful! thank you for the lovely pattern.
So funny about Bailey, my cat Rolo also watches me brush my teeth. But I really don't think he would enjoy the toothpaste part. I am off to print the free pattern, thank you so much! It is so sweet.
Hi! I found you through Cottons N Wool. Thanks so much for the freebie info; I've saved the pattern.
Your little dog is adorable. I had a dog that begged for toothpaste every time I brushed my teeth!!
I love the view of Bailey...I've never heard of a dog who loved toothpaste before...I'd better not give mine any ideas!
HI Brenda,
Congrats on the new fabric line...can't wait to get my hands on that and get it at the shop! Harley is just like Bailey only he gets his teeth brushed with toothpaste. He loves it...just be careful what you start because the morning routine gets much longer when you have to brush the dogs teeth too.
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