A little over a week ago, Dad & I took our annual trip up to the top of Mt. Lemmon. . .
We go up to the tippy-top - past Ski Valley. . .
. . . up next to where the observatories are.
(NASA, weather, U of A, & others use them)
. . . there is a pretty little meadow up there that is very special to us,
. . . & we like to visit each autumn.
When we first came up - there was an itty-bitty aspen tree
in the midst of the pines.
It was maybe 5 feet tall.
. . . this time when we visited - it is somewhere between 15 - 20 feet.
I'm always amazed at how it grows. . .
. . . & of how time passes.
It's been five years since we first trekked up there.
. . . can't believe it's been 5 years.
I've had these photos for over a week,
fiddling with them in Instagram & Vintique (apps on my phone),
& I've been thinking I'd post them & share them every day.
. . . but then the day get's started & I get busy.
. . . then I think that they might not be that interesting to others.
. . . when they are so very precious to me.
. . . so I let the busy-ness take over a bit & thought,
"maybe. . . tomorrow."
It's interesting - as I've noted that many bloggers have either quit blogging,
or are taking 'breaks'. . .
. . . & I have to admit that I've thought about that too.
I've wondered if what I had to blog about even mattered.
I think it's because when I started blogging,
I did it because I was convinced by someone else that
because I was starting my business. . . that I needed to.
So I did.
I honestly had no idea what I was supposed to do,
& for such a long time I related my blog to my business.
It was a social media 'tool'.
That's so not me.
The blogs I have come to love are not about the businesses
that the bloggers might own. . .
. . . but rather are about the people & their lives.
(. . .to be honest - I quit reading blogs that only promote things.
. . . & yes, I realize the irony of that - as I am guilty of that too!)
I can't tell you how many times I think about things to share with you
- or all the photos I have taken around the house
- or of things I'm working on. . .
. . . & they are still sitting in my camera or on my computer.
I have constantly second guessed myself as to if it's "interesting enough" to share,
(. . . figuring back to the social media aspect & my design business).
But, I've made a decision.
The 'little acorns' of this blog is me.
. . . & while, yes, I do happen to have a design business,
. . . it's not all there is about me.
So, I'm giving myself permission to make this blog more reflective
of the other parts of my life. . .
. . .whether they are related to designing or not.
. . . & I hope you'll stick around.
(& thanks for reading this far!) ♡
♥ Bren
p.s. I am currently glued to the Weather Channel & my prayers are with you all who might be in the path of 'Sandy'. Please stay safe!