When working with a collection that has a special meaning to me, as my Georgia collection does, it made deciding on the projects that feature the collection a little special too. In my previous post, I wrote about my ‘Remember ‘Whooo’ Loves You’ quilt, & so I wanted to introduce the remaining quilts (& a stitchery) in this post.
First up is ‘Cherish’. The name came from a song (by the Lettermen) that I would hear on the radio when I was growing up & have always loved, & the name seemed perfect for a quilt that features fabrics named after my Mom. (… Although it would also be beautiful in so many different colorways - &/or scrappy!) It is based on a classic quilt block & is the kind of block that I refer to asl a ‘puzzle block’… which means you don’t really see the entire design until the blocks come together. (I love those kind of designs.)
Next is ‘Field of Stars’. What I love about this one is the options. (… & the classic stars!) The star blocks are created so that you can enjoy making this quilt no matter if you are a beginner - or if you are an experienced quilter (or anywhere in-between!) What I want to encourage anyone making this quilt is to make it your own.
The star centers can be either a single square - featuring the fabrics you are using, or you can choose from any of the fifteen pieced options for the star centers. When I started quilting, I always changed the design a little & made my own, & I really hope this pattern encourages folks to do just that & end up with a quilt that is uniquely theirs.
One of my ‘collections’ I have is one of baskets… many of them I found with my Mom while out & about. We always said that there could never be too many baskets & that there’s always room for one (or two!) more - especially if they were little ones. So the next design, ‘Little Baskets’ celebrates the little baskets that can be tucked into your home… either as open vessels, ready for whatever treasures they might hold for you - or as I liked to do - to place a little greenery or flower sprig to bring a little of the outdoors into your home.
Using a Layer Cake - or even scraps from your stash is a great way to make a ‘Little Baskets’ quilt of your own!
And finally… a long overdue stitchery (embroidery) design! This one is named ‘Faith, Hope, Love’.Inspired by one of my Mom's favorite Bible verses - 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13. It is also one of my favorites, & I wanted something to remind me daily of the truths in this scripture passage.
I included a pillow option in the pattern - but the stitchery framed is the perfect reminder for ourselves - or as a thoughtful gift.
12" x 16" • 8" x 10" (stitchery)
Be sure to let your local quilt shop if you would like for them to order any of the patterns for you… & if you don’t have a local quilt shop - all of the patterns are available on my website in paper & also PDF options!
Thanks so much & I hope you enjoy these new designs. I sure had fun putting this collection together.
From the first Quilt Market I attended & I was able to see all of the quilt fabrics displayed and as I learned more and more about fabric collections - I began to dream of putting prints and coordinates together to create a collection of my own. I was blessed that I was able to realize that dream a few years later, and even today, I still love the process of creating fabric collections.
Once in a while - there is a collection that comes along that really tugs at my heart, and my newest collection, ‘Georgia’, is definitely one of them. ‘Georgia', is named after my Mom, and there is so much about it that I think she would love.
The colors in my ‘Georgia’ collection are the colors that my Mom loved from the time she was a little girl. When I first started quilting, my Mom & I made a quilt together. She had embroidery squares that she had used on another quilt, & she wondered if I’d like to use them in a quilt. She would do the embroidery - and then I could design a quilt setting to use them in (. & it was the very first quilt setting I ever designed!). When Mom gathered the embroidery squares, she asked me what colors I wanted her to use. I honestly hadn’t even thought about it & in creating something with my Mom - I wanted it to be special, so I asked her what her favorite colors were as a child. She said quickly that she had always loved lavender, soft green & soft yellow together, & from that moment, I knew that this colors would be perfect. I remember while she was stitching on the embroidery squares, Mom commenting how much she was enjoying working with the colors she had always loved. It was, & still is a precious memory & a favorite quilt of mine.
So, when it came time to choose colors for this collection - using a soft green & soft yellow with the lavender was in honor of my Mom & then I added the soft white & pebble colors to round out the grouping.
The other thing I was happy to get to do was to re-release a quilt I had designed several years ago called, Remember ‘Whooo’ Loves You’.
This is a very special quilt that I designed in honor of my Mom - for when her grand-daughters (that she loved so much!) started having their own babies. Here is what I wrote for the pattern:
“As we were growing up - my Mom collected owls. She truly loved them. Mom even made adorable little owls from yarn & driftwood - (one of which is a very special treasure of mine!) Another thing that Mom loved, were babies. . . & when she became a Grandma to her five grand-daughters. . . she loved every minute she had to hold and snuggle them, and to sing to them.(Mom had a beautiful singing voice!)
Now that those grand-daughters are becoming mommies. . . & since Mom is no longer with us. . . I just knew that these precious little ones (& all the ones to follow) somehow deserved to be held & loved by their Great-Grandma Georgia. So, when it came time to make each one their first quilt - the idea of this little owl design fit perfectly. Even though Mom couldn’t snuggle them in person - they will always know that - even so - she loves them still.”
I’ve made many of these quilts, & it was extra special to be able to make a new ‘Remember ‘Whooo’ Loves You’ quilt using my Georgia fabrics. As soon as I finished this one, I sent it off to one of my nieces to welcome her first baby - a sweet little girl. I just received a photo from my sister-in-law while they were in the middle of a photo shoot… notice the quilt? … & I couldn’t love it more.
Along with ‘Remember ‘Whooo’ Loves You', I also designed three other quilts that feature ‘Georgia’ - ‘Cherish’, ‘Field of Stars’, ‘Little Baskets’, & a new embroidery design ‘Faith, Hope, Love’.
For now - you can find them on the website - & I’ll do another post featuring them.
If you got this far in this lengthy post - thank you!! You’re the best!
I hope that you find a place for some 'Georgia' in your home! Be sure you ask your local quilt shop if they will be carrying 'Georgia' fabrics. Moda fabric reps are currently showing them to quilt shops & so be sure to ask. If you don't have a local quilt shop - we are taking reservations for some of the precuts. The Georgia collection is scheduled to ship in July 2024.
In the past several weeks, I have started a journal post many times… but each time it has been put aside. Why I wasn’t following through - I still can’t put my finger on, but I’ve decided just to start fresh and so here I am. Compared to what I post, you’d be surprised how much I ‘compose’ posts in my head, but it’s always while I’m in the midst of doing something else… out in the garden, working on new fabric designs (& I can’t share!), or on a walk with Emmie…So, I think about you so much more than I show… really!
I realized that I need to literally make a time each week to communicate here - & to quit wondering if anyone will care about what I share. So that’s my plan. Some weeks, I hope it will be full of new, fun things, but I know there will be weeks when I’m working on things I can’t share for often a months or even a year ahead. That is when it’s so hard to write posts (!) - but I promise to try.
To bring things up to date - my latest fabric collection Ellie is now at the mill. (Ellie is scheduled to arrive in shops in October.) I’m also told the strike-offs for the next collection should be arriving soon & so I’m looking forward to seeing them. It’s always a little bit of a hold-your-breath feeling until they arrive. Thankfully the design team at Moda will see them first, & if there are ‘tweaks’ that need to be made - they give you a little heads-up before the arrive on my front porch.
I also want to say a great-big “thank you!” to everyone who shopped the fabric sale I had on the website… Wow folks! You kept me so very busy for many days! I love all the fabrics that I had held onto (many for so long!) - but I’m so happy they have found new homes with many of you!
Next up will be some bundles that I’ve been keeping… & I’ll let you know when I’ll be getting all of those ready.
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been keeping myself very busy in the backyard garden, installing some new drip irrigation lines… before the summer temperatures arrive. It’s also kept my mind occupied & that has been a blessing. On the evening of May 7, I received a phone call from my niece letting me know that my sister, Marsha had passed away. We knew she was dealing with so many health issues (all complicated by her type 1 diabetes), but she was always such a champion. She continually rose above her struggles & was always joyful in each day she was given. But this was her time. She had become more fragile over the past few months & was having a harder time overcoming her struggles. A few years ago, she had a big scare - as she went into ketoacidosis & went into a coma, as well as several other medical issues all happening at the same time. She miraculously survived & since then we spoke a lot on the phone, often daily. I treasure each & every one of those conversations.
She loved the streaming television series, ‘The Chosen’, & we always had wonderful conversations about how much more real this series has made Jesus to us. After her coma a couple of years ago, she shared that she wasn’t sure if she was dreaming, but she knows that she was walking with who she knew was Jesus, but she was just behind his shoulder & couldn’t see his face. She remembers that she felt so comfortable, & at peace, but He gently told her it wasn’t time… not yet. She still couldn’t see his face… & when she woke, she could remember it so clearly. We laughed when I said that maybe she couldn’t see his face because if he didn’t look like Jonathan Roumie, (the actor that portrays Jesus in ‘The Chosen’) - she might have been disappointed!! :-) We giggled at that many times since, but I know that as she left this earth, into the presence of our Savior, what the actor that portrays Jesus looks like was forgotten. She was in Jesus’ presence… face-to-face. I smile when I think of that now & while it’s bittersweet, I’m so joyful in knowing she is eternally in His sweet comfort & peace, & that we will be reunited someday. I so miss our phone calls, & listening to her share about her days & her ten grandchildren. As she shared about how she felt knowing her time here on earth could end at any time, for her she always said it was a, “Win - Win”.
This is one of my favorite photos of Marsha (With Dad, in prayer, at one of her daughters' weddings.)
Whoosh….! My goodness these last 2 months have gone by so fast!
I did have a fabric deadline… & I am currently finishing up writing directions for new patterns for my ‘Ellie’ fabric collection… (& pattern writing was delayed because of the new fabric collection deadline… & I didn’t plan ahead enough!) So, while I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to post - it’s been staying on the back burner. But - I’m finally sitting myself down & I’m hoping I don’t ramble on too much!
First, I want to introduce my latest fabric collection, ‘Ellie’. ‘Ellie’ is currently being shown to quilt shop owners & it is scheduled to ship mid-late October 2023.
I have had so much fun with ‘Ellie’! Here’s what I wrote about 'Ellie' for the Moda catalogue.
“Making a home surrounded by flower gardens and cozy soft colors is what brings me such joy. No matter where you might live, being able to bring some that softness into our daily lives is a way of taking a deep breath, of welcoming tranquility and comfort.
With a fresh color palette that you can mix for seasonal quilts & projects, or including all the color families for a scrappy garden of colors, ‘Ellie’ envelops these airy, fresh, cozy feels for your home, and to share with those you love. Take a deep breath & welcome Ellie into your home!’
Last fall, when I made my choices & gave the approval for the ‘Ellie’ strike-offs - I knew what I wanted to do for patterns right away. I knew that I wanted to do another appliqué design (it’s been awhile!), & I knew I wanted to keep all the designs very fresh & classic… & so here are the new patterns…
Felicity -
I honestly can’t decide if I like the light or pebble background better. I love them both.
I made the border pieced - so that once all the appliqué is complete - you can complete the quilt so much faster. I was inspired by the striping that you find on French toweling for the border design. I just love her! Felicity measures 51” x 51.
Ellie -
This quilt design is in celebration of the flowers that I love being surrounded in. I made Ellie in two sizes - so that you can make it a coverlet size (84” x 84”) - or a throw / table topper size (66” x 66”). (The block size is the same - the large size is made larger with the addition of a border.) Pick the colors you love to make this design custom for you!
Sojourn -
The block I used in Sojourn is one of the vintage blocks that I have seen in books that focus on vintage quilts. These kind of quilts are the ones that really stir my heart. I honestly want to make all of them, & have a selection of these classic, simple designs. They make for wonderful quilts that can be used in home decor - & compliment so many different styles. That’s why they are such classic.
The original vintage quilt was a two color quilt - & so while I designed a scrappy version, featuring the ‘Ellie’ fabrics - I couldn’t help but also include the two-color versions… this time in pebble & green. Again… I love them all.
Fair Meadow
You may recognize this design! Many (many) years ago (in my first year designing quilts!), I designed a quilt called Meadow. I re-released the pattern, with a mini-version with my ‘Ambleside’ fabric collection (9 years ago now) - & over the years, I have received many requests for it to be larger… so was borne - Fair Meadow.
Fair meadow does have appliqué on the borders - but I use the fusible, machine stitched technique that makes it much easier than it might look. This version is square & will work as a larger throw or coverlet. Fair Meadow measures 76” x 76”
Garden Path
The design for Garden Path came from just that… a garden path! I took a photo of a path done in stonework that wound through a garden because I couldn’t stop looking at… it fascinated me! So, I played around with it - & figured out how to re-create it in fabric. Because the path was made up from multiple colors & shades of stone, I used a fat quarter bundle for mine - keeping the scrappy look. (I also think it could be done with a more subtle tonal palette & it would look wonderful too!) Garden Path measures 76” x 76”.
The new patterns will be available on the website in about a week… & as a thank you for your support - for the first week they will be 20% off.
Also… on the website you can pre-order some of the ‘Ellie’ pre-cuts. The pre-orders will only be up for a limited time, as I will be using the pre-order numbers as a guide for when I place my order. So, check with your local quilt shop to see if they will have 'Ellie' for you - & for those of you who don't have a local shop - I'm happy to make sure you can get your 'Ellie'!
I’m thinking about kitting a couple of the quilts & I'm still deciding - so if there are any of the new quilts that you would like as a kit - let me know!
Thanks so much folks… I know that it can be a little frustrating to be shown things that aren’t available yet… (& trust me I get it - I have to keep everything a secret for about a year!) … but I hope you enjoy getting some peeks at what’s coming soon…
… & if it’s anything like the first 3 months of this year… ‘Ellie’ will be here before you know it!
(This is a long post - I know… but it’s from my heart & I hope it blesses you.)
What a week this has been.
Design-wise I’ve had a bunch of fun working on quilt designs for my next fabric collection (making its debut in March), & I’m so excited to (finally) have a new appliqué quilt to share with you! (…soon!)
In the midst of all the designing (i.e. playing with new fabrics!) - I’ve also been making plans for some new things for the website that I’m very excited about. UPS has been delivering some special boxes for some very special items that I’ve been collecting just for you! (Sorry… I know some of you don’t like the ‘tease’!) So, as soon as I complete some design deadlines - then I’ll be able to work on the new items… but for now - I’ve made shipping free for US customers! Use the discount code FREESHIP at checkout & we will cover the shipping! (For international shipping - please see the shipping info page for how we’re handling international shipping these days.)
At the beginning of the week, after being in the studio all day - to the accompaniment of movies on DVD… I decided to check the news to find that everyone was covering the events of what had just happened on Monday Night Football. There was a player down on the field & while I’m not a big football fan, what I observed grabbed my heart & brought tears to my eyes & I prayed.
Damar Hamlin, a 24 year old 'safety' on the Buffalo Bills football team, had just completed what was referred to as a ‘routine’ tackle of a player on the rival team, the Cincinnati Bengals. Damar sprung up after the tackle, seeming fine, but within seconds he fell backwards & lay motionless on the filed.
He suffered a cardiac arrest & his heart had stopped.
The teams trainers, EMTs (Emergency Medical Team) sprang into action, & administered CPR & had to use a defibrillator to re-start his heart. While all those out on the field have seen players be injured on the field & need medical assistance - nothing like that had ever happened on a football field… & it shook everyone.
To their knees.
All over the field, great big men in football gear were crying openly & holding each other up, joining hands, & kneeling with their heads bowed in prayer. As the ambulance took Damar - in critical condition - off the field, the team was gathered on a huge circle, heads bowed, & praying.
The next day, I tuned into ESPN (a sports channel) to see if there were any updates - & one of their broadcasters, Dan Orlovsky - a former football player, stopped & prayed, on-air, for Damar & his family. (You can also watch it here.)
At a time when I’ve been hesitant to even turn on news - because of how bizarre & seemingly out-of-control things are these days, it was such a blessing to see that when it really comes down to it… we know, in our hearts, what is really important & where to turn for what we really need.
I received an email yesterday with this post, written by Russ Barksdale, attached to it, & it says so clearly what has been so clearly demonstrated this week, & I wanted to share it with you. Please note that it was written the Monday evening when this happened… but the truth is timeless.
“I’ve been playing and watching football for 60+ years. I’ve never seen what I saw tonight. Damar Hamlin, safety for the Buffalo Bills, made a tackle—and may not live. I don’t know Damar personally. Actually never heard of him. But I found myself glued to the TV praying for him that somehow God would intervene and save his life. As of this writing (9:55 p.m. CST), he is in critical condition in a Cincinnati hospital.
“What was demonstrably visible after his injury were the reactions of players, coaches, announcers, and fans. While the EMTs and other health professionals worked feverishly on him, at times ‘vigorously administering’ CPR, players and coaches on both sides reacted in various ways: shock, tears, disbelief, and silence. The crowd also watched in hushed tones as the drama played out in the middle of the field. Announcers began to use words like ‘well-wishes’ and other terms of concern.
“But notably, the one word and the one action that was most observable was in reference to—wait for it—prayer. Many of the players got on their knees and were visibly seen praying. Coaches called their players together to take a knee and pray for Damar, as well they should.
“Solomon wrote, ‘He (God) has also put eternity in their (human’s) hearts’ (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Another translation puts it this way: ‘He has planted eternity in the human heart’ (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT).
“When tragedy strikes, something in us looks upward to find answers, to find help, to find hope, to find courage. This occurs in Christ-followers and those who don’t know Christ. It happens among Hindus, Muslims, Jews, agnostics, and atheists. We instinctively, even if only for a few moments, look to something, someone who is beyond us. Years ago, I heard the statement, ‘There are no atheists in foxholes.’
“Solomon said it right: God has placed eternity on our hearts. EVERY human being senses that there is something beyond this reality. The Bible clearly reveals that the something is someone.
“The God who created all that is, the God who did not abandon us in our brokenness and weakness, the God who entered into our reality and took on our fleshly likeness, the God who sacrificed Himself to atone for & pay for our sinful nature, the God who promises to work everything out for good, the God who enters our being and gives us hope and strength to get through, the God who promises that one day all things will make sense, the God who promises to one day right every wrong, the God who promises to do away with any need for tears and grief—that God is the One who put eternity on our hearts.
“Stop denying Him. Stop fighting Him. Stop refusing Him access to your life. Turn to Him and find healing, help, and hope. He made you to do just that.”
As I write my post, it’s Sunday afternoon, Damar Hamlin, while still in intensive care has made, according to his doctors, amazing progress. He has a long road ahead of him, but he has made it clear though a social media post - that he knows that while he would like to be with his teammates playing on the football field, he knows that, “God (is) using me in a different way today”. He sure is.
(… & as a cherry on top of all of this… Damar Hamlin had created a Go-Fund-Me page for a children’s toy drive that he had set a modest goal of $2,500 for. As of this morning - people have donated over $8.5 million dollars.) What an amazing statement of love.
In these worrisome days… this is just what all our hurting hearts needed to witness. I know I have been filled with such hope & thankfulness this week.
Before I get going on this post, I want to say THANK YOU (!) to everyone who shopped my ‘Counting My Blessings’ sale. You kept this girl very busy & I appreciate so your support of my little online shop. I’m hoping to expand my shop a bit this next year with lots more exclusive kits, & hopefully some exclusive little projects as well. Keep checking back to find out what’s up in my little website shop!
Things around the my backyard garden beds have been transitioning for the winter. We did get some wonderful soft rains over the weekend & all my winter flowers plantings of violas, pansies, petunias, & decorative cabbage & kale are settling in nicely. I got the final pots planted knowing the rains were coming & now I can be where it’s cozy inside & still look out on them & enjoy their subtle sparkle they add to the garden. While several of the perennials are ready for a cutback & a winters nap - these pots become the center of interest. I just love them.
As the end of the year approaches, I think we all start to reflect on the past year & I wanted to share one thing that has been on my mind (for most of the year actually). It is about social media… & the direction it has taken over the past few years. I’ve wanted to write this post especially because I get asked on a regular basis about my activity (or lack of!) on certain platforms, so I wanted to explain to you the direction I’m taking.
I know that everyone has their own opinion & experience of social media & the various platforms it now has, & I truly believe that each person’s preference for how they use - or don’t use - any of these to be just fine. I have found in the past few years - that while it might be a great way to reach folks - I’ve been pulling back from what it feels like are platforms that aren’t really interested in how & what we want/need from them - but rather what they determine we should (or shouldn’t) see, as well as *if* the folks who follow me actually will ever see what I post. (…very long sentence… sorry.) That direction seems to be increasing as time goes on & as we use & become more & more ‘dependent’ on these platforms.
For some reason (a gut feeling I guess you could say) I never jumped on the Facebook ‘bandwagon’. I’ve never really been a fan of their ‘policies’. I did create a personal account & I also created a business page (I’ve since taken down the business page) - but it’s only because I’m in a private group where the company has chosen to communicate to the folks in it through that private page on Facebook. It’s the only reason I still keep the personal page. So… if you ask to follow, friend, (or whatever it’s called on Facebook) please don’t be offended if I don’t respond. I only go to Facebook to check to see if there is a post on the private group page. (I actually don’t post, comment, or click on anything on Facebook anymore.)
The only other social media platform I’m still on is Instagram. I have a personal page (@brengr) & a business page (@brendariddledesigns) & hopefully some of you found this post because of the post I did on Instagram letting folks know that there is a new journal/blog post. (… & if you did - I’d love it if you would let me know in the comments that you did!).
I remember (many years ago!) when I first learned of Instagram, & created my personal account & I actually thought it was simply a place to store my own photo memories. I had no idea that others would be able to see my page! (Ha-ha!) I had someone ‘like’ one of my photos & I was so surprised! I really did enjoy Instagram in its early years. You could follow people & when you opened up your feed page you would see what all the folks you followed had posted in chronological order! It was bliss. You knew when you were caught up & that when you posted something - you knew that folks could see it. Fast-forward to today & the direction it has now gone - eliminating seeing things in chronological order & then adopting algorithms that now decides what you will see… when you *might* see it… & now I’ve come to realize that I can ‘like’ a photo & later it shows it to me again & it’s as if I’ve never ‘liked’ it. On top of that there is the ‘pressure’ to pay to “boost” a post (which means pay to have your post seen by those who follow you & also to those who don’t.). There have become so may ‘hoops’ to jump through just to use the platform in a meaningful, sensible way. And, once Facebook (now called “Meta”) has taken over Instagram - it has just become worse. It’s not user friendly…at all.
I’ve reduced all of my social media accounts & I’m still considering leaving Instagram - but for now, I’m keeping it mostly to (ironically) notify folks that I’ve posted a new journal/blog post.
Here, on my journal/blog pages, is where I can control what goes out on the internet. I know that if I post it - those that want to see it will be able to. The ‘sticky’ part of this is though, is that so many have become accustomed to going to one place, like IG… & maybe only want to see a photo or two & very little words…(!) (Oh my… then those folks would not be a fan of a post like this!!!) I know that it’s not everyone’s ‘cup of tea’ - but this is where I’ve decided to plant myself. I want it to be more like inviting someone over for a little visit, chat, rather than choose to meet folks on a busy crowded street corner - where we may or may not be able to find each other no matter how hard we try.
So, I’ll be keeping my Instagram account for now - but this, & my newsletter, is where I’ll be doing the majority of my communicating & sharing from now on. So I hope you’ll visit often! (I use feedly.com to follow the blog posts of folks I want to be sure to keep up with, & I’ve really enjoyed it.) I’ll also be updating (on a more regular basis… I’m a little behind!) - my Pinterest account. (I’m @brendariddledesigns (https://www.pinterest.com/brendariddledesigns/ ) on Pinterest)
So… there you have it. All my thoughts about how I’m choosing to navigate the ever-changing world of social media. I know to some it may seem as if I’m taking a step backwards - but I’m okay with that. For me the current direction most of these social media platforms are taking aren’t the direction I want to go or be a part of. I’ll just snuggle in to the places where I can host folks myself & hope you come to visit. :-)
And, as a thank you for hanging there & reading this lengthy post - I want to offer you a discount code to the website! Whether you want to treat yourself, or get a gift for another quilter/stitcher you know, or get a kit for a new project for the new year… just use the code (at checkout) SNUGGLE-IN (all caps) for 20% off everything on the website. (This discount code will be available through the end of December!)
From the bottom of my heart, thanks so much for being here… (& reading this to the end!) … I’m looking forward to meeting you here again soon!
I looked back at the last date I posted a journal entry… & ugh… For a girl who has the goal of posting more regularly… I’ve pretty much blown that so far this year. But, I’m still trying… honest!
So much has been going on & I have so much to post about… so I’ll give you a little outline of things to come…
New Patterns! - a few months ago I posted about my latest collections - ‘The Shores’ & ‘Sweet Liberty’ - but I never got back with the patterns I released with these collections. They are currently on the website - & you can find them under ‘New Items’ - but I’ll be back to feature them here. (… but a little heads-up… a sale is coming soon!)
I just sent in a new fabric collection - in fact two new fabric collections!… (which is where the title of this post came from…!) & thought it might be fun for you to know what my process for creating a fabric collection is… so I’ll be putting that together.
The yardage of my collection ‘The Shores’ has been shipping from Moda this week - so I have some of the pre-cuts & an exclusive kit or two (or three!) up on the website now. (** For those of you who pre-ordered the Moda boxed quilt kit for ‘Prisms’… you are receiving an email about getting your boxed kits to you. (They are sooo pretty!)
I am (finally!) getting new scrap bundles prepared & on the website! I’ve got several collections - just waiting to be organized & prepped - & because they can become so labor intensive to prep… I’ve come up with a way to make them available that I hope you will love! (i.e. - more bundles - & more fabric variety!) I’m planning to have these ready in time for my ‘Counting my Blessings’ sale coming soon…very soon!
As I just mentioned - my annual ‘Counting My Blessings’ sale is coming soon! I am trying to get a bunch of fabrics & kit prepped & will let you know the exact dates very very soon! (It will be in early/mid November!!!)
I have also been doing a lot of thinking about social media lately & the direction it has taken. I have had some definite thoughts about it & I want to share with you the direction I will be taking with it.
So, for now - I hope you will be assured I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth… I’ve just been hunkering down with some business projects & home projects… But I’m still here… (even though it light not seem like it!)… & I’m really going to try to be more present here in my journal/blog.
For the rest of today - I’m off to mow my little lawn (& the new winter grass that has come in!) & plant some of my favorite winter flowers. I love this time of year. I’m in zone 9b (for you gardeners) - so now that the summer heat has subsided - all of my perennial flowering plants are perking back up with a new flush of blooms (I’m looking at you geraniums & pincushion flowers!) & it’s so fun to add new annuals to the mix.
Hope you have a wonderful start to November (one of my favorite months!) & I’ll leave you with my little garden ‘helper’ & I’ll be back… soon!