Folks, may I introduce The Catalina Mountains (specifically Pusch Ridge in this photo) . . . Catalina's. . . my blogging friends. . .
From the time when I moved here to Arizona (for which I thought was going to be two years at the most. . .) I fell in love with these mountains. They are stunning.
In the winter the tops (& sometime all of them) are covered in snow . . .
And, all the rest of the year you can see a continual sprouting of little patches of green. . . (sometimes you have to look hard to see it!)
In the morning they are soft & hazy, as the sun rises behind them. . .
At midday they are rugged & strong, as they are in full sun & all their details & layers stand out. . .
In the late afternoon - early evening they blaze with the colors of the sunset, their colors changing every few moments . . . causing the breaths of many to be taken away. . . over & over again.
I was lucky for most all the years I was teaching art & design - at a school that sits at the base of Pusch Ridge - that my classroom windows faced this majestic sight. And, these days - whenever I leave the house - these beauties greet me.
. . . & in the days when uncertainty can fill the news, & sometimes our lives. . . 'my' mountains remind me of where strength can be found. . .
"I lift up my eyes to the hills -
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth."
Psalm 121: 1 & 2
xo, Bren
I am familiar with those mountains too! My cousin lives close to you.
Amen to Pslam 121:1&2. Bren, enjoy your day!
Beautiful pics and beautiful verse. My parents were married in 1935. Their families and church friends embroidered their names and an assigned word from this verse on blocks for a signature quilt. My mom was not at all interested in sewing, so the blocks sat until after my dad's death nearly 50 years later, when she gave them to me. Fiber and thread is where it's at for me! I whipped those blocks into a quilt and enjoy having it on our bed sometimes. That verse has been a special one to me. I know where my help comes from. That is my point of reference, even as the uncertainties swirl around me.
I appreciate your posts! God bless.
Hi Bren,
Beautiful mountain picture! I feel the same way about the Wasatch Mountains in my back yard. Every year I try to shoot them when they are at their fall peak - a hard thing to do! See you soon at market,
I can hardly wait to see your beautiful fabric in person :)
Funny how something like that can make you feel so small, but then you realize that WE are the jewel of HIS creation....
Love that verse, we do a song in church called "My Help" which quotes it almost verbatim... it is very comforting...
I can see why you love them! And why you don't get tierd of them. They are beautiful and I can just imagine the sunsets you see! I live in the mountains... and there are some definately more beautiful than others.
My question--is your sky REALLY that blue? WOW.
What a lovely image - we must all have our favorite "mountain" - I think mine would be the Folded Mountains, Yukon Territory. The drama & beauty of this area is a miracle & a reminder that there is always a Higher Power at work.
Tnank you for sharing.
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