Yesterday, after photographing a couple of new quilts, I was putting my 'Seasons' quilt back up on the wall. . . & I realized that I was putting it back up exactly the way I had taken it down. . . with the spring & summer blocks on the top. But I knew from studying the calendar a little earlier in the day. . . (counting the days 'til Market. . . 'til I need to ship my boxes. . .) that this week autumn officially arrives. So it was time to rotate the quilt & put the autumn tree at the top! I love that about this quilt . . . that it can be rotated to celebrate the seasons as they approach & as we spend our days in them!

For us, the beginning of autumn is when we usually have what is called an 'Indian summer' - meaning that we have temperatures that don't really classify as autumn weather. . . (really meaning. . . it's too warm!) - so I will soak up my share of autumn in the photos on many of your blogs. . . & after Market I'll make my own trip up to Mt. Lemmon - where it's only 45 minutes away - but the weather (& trees!) are like it's Colorado. Ahhh!. . . I can hardly wait. The last time we went up, we found a great new little log cabin place at the little town of Summerhaven (up at about 8000 feet) where they make wonderful pizza & cookies as well that are made to order & about the size of a small pizza themselves. When they come to your table. . . they are just out of the oven, & warm. . . & wonderful!!! (I think I'm gonna start doing some extra time on the treadmill. . . just to get ready for that little day trip.)
I'm hoping to get some sneak peeks up for you this week. . . I just got back some quilts from Nubin (my quilter). . . (& she did the binding for me too!) - so there will be some more photo taking this weekend! Market is 2 weeks earlier this autumn, & even though I've known that. . . & have been working on projects - the crunch is still on. Last evening I finished making some pole covers for my booth & today it's finishing up some new draping panels. I'm using the cream & white gingham from 'Celebration'. I'm hoping that because it will be neutral that I will be able to use it a few times. Then I'm going to be making a few more things for the booth. . . so it promises to keep me busy!
Until then. . . I'll be trying to make some visits to the blogs of all of you who live where autumn is making more of an appearance - than just a quilt on a wall!
xo, Bren
I never thought about being able to turn that quilt according to the season! What a great idea! I'm so ready for fall! Can't wait to see the sneak peeks and to find out when your fabric is available...hope it's easier to find than "Flower Sugar!"
Hi Bren!
I LOVE your seasons/tree quilt!! What is the name of it and where can I get it? Just love it!
Your Season's quilt is wonderful! And Mt. Lemmon - such a lovely place to spend the day! Didn't have the chains to get to the top last winter when we visited, but still had a good day.
OOh its just a matter of days really till market. Can't wait to see you xo
The quilt looks great...any way it's turned! I just bought my market passes yesterday! Can't wait!
Can't wait to see you at Market. So much fun to look forward to and wishing you a great showing with your new line of fabric.
Good Luck with all your market prep -- it's almost here!
That quilt is on my someday list. Everytime I see it I want it. When I'm through with "purpose" quilts and can do a just for me this is it.
I can't wait to see all the wonderful things you have in store for us-post market! I hope your fabric line will be out soon also! I love that seasons pattern, I have it and love it... but have not attempted it yet. I'm a scardy cat:)
Hi Bren - Would love a post on the photo process! :) Love seeing how everyone tackles things like this.
Lovely quilt--I assume it's one of your patterns (I'm new to your blog). I also love love the cream/white gingham. When it's time. . . will you put a link of where we can buy this amazing fabric? (I already have a few projects in mind.)
Thanks for this post--reminds me to shift my quilts in the hallway from the summer flowery quilt to the fall quilt. Will do, as soon as we escape from this late summer heat wave (should be 107 today!)
i love these trees!! i soo want to make this!
Brenda...I so love this quilt. I have had the pattern ever since it came out and I havn't done it yet!!
It's so beautiful...thanks for showing it.
have a great time at market!
You must live in or near Tucson! I love Mt. Lemmon.
Also, your new line is fabulous! Can't wait to get some of it!
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