. . . not by me though.
Dad has taken over the kitchen & I'm staying out - as I have a great big cold - complete with sniffling & sneezing. . . all the things you don't want in the kitchen. So I took the photos & got myself out of the way.
I'm really tickled that Dad is 'picking up the baton' - so to speak - as baking breads were the thing that Mom would do every Christmas-time. . . & it is a great way for Dad to keep busy during the holidays.
Although Mom would bake pumpkin bread & cranberry bread. . . Dad had chosen to make the Pumpkin bread. I remember helping Mom by sorting through bags & bags of cranberries & grating orange rind & nutmeg for the cranberry bread loaves. . . but I'm thinking that Dad doesn't want to go through all the extra steps. . . (& secretly - although he liked them both - I think he always favored the pumpkin bread!) So the other day - we went through all the ingredients & he went to the market for his supplies. When he came home. . . & was unloading the car - I realized that he was planning to make a lot of bread!. . .
So far. . . he's made eight loaves. . . with eight more to be made!
They will go to all of the neighbors & then also there will be one for each of the guys in my Dad's prayer group. (My Dad meets once a week with a small group of men & they visit & share prayer requests & then the spend the rest of the time praying for these requests, & for our country - it's leaders, & for the world. . . . One of the things I love about my Dad. . .!) Then a few of the loaves will go into the freezer - so he can slice some - toast it & enjoy it with his coffee.. . . (as well as some pretty sweet memories too.)
As for now. . . I wish you could smell how good it smells here. . . (Thank you Lord, that even with my cold - I can smell the wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen!). . .
. . . & Dad is already busy working on the second batch. . .
. . .oh. . . & of course with the "assistance" of you-know-who!

I may not be able to help out in the kitchen this time. . . but at least I am getting to capture some wonderful warm memories.
. . . & for that I am so very thankful.
xo, Bren
Sorry sorry you're so sick. When you're well give Dad and Bailey a big Christmas hug from me!
That is so sweet! And you have one lovely kitchen!
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Your dad is awesome! He and Bailey need their own fan club! Hugs to you and your family!
Just love to hear about men praying together, what strength in those prayers! I have the pink mixer too, isn't it fun?
Dear Bren:
You're so lucky to have such a great dad...and handy in the kitchen, too!
Wonderful new holiday memories for you, my friend.
Merry Christmas,
I love your story. This will be the first Christmas without my mom and my dad calls now and then, asking how to make this or that. She always made him a cherry loaf; I never found her special recipe book where she handwrote the most used recipes so it will be trial and error before I come up with a recipe to send him - either as the recipe or baked! Thank you for sharing. There is always a soft spot for our dads. Erica
What lovely doings at your house today! Feel better soon Bren!
Looks like your Dad is doing wonderful job! Looking at those great photos...for a second there I thought I smelled those beautiful loaves....darn...there goes my imagination again! Also, thanks for stopping by my blog the other day and for your kind words. xoxo Please give Bailey a kiss for Gidget and me too!
Get better soon!
Love your snowflakes...
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