I know that so many are making lists of things that they want to accomplish or to do differently in 2010 . . . & to be honest - I've been making a mental list too. . .
Then - the other day - I heard our weatherman say that we would be having a 'blue moon' to bring us into the new year. (For those of you who never could figure out what that meant - a blue moon is when there is a second full moon within one month. It's rare. . .) My Mom used to use the phrase, "one in a blue moon" when referring to something that doesn't happen often, but she would also use it when something was quite special & we needed to pay attention.
I've been thinking about that. . .
. . . especially when you consider that a whole decade has 'whooshed' by since the turn of the century. . . Remember the hub-bub over the millinium celebration. . . the fears of things going wonky. . . stocking up on water. . . just in case? Nothing really happened. . . then. Little did we know how all our lives would change in a bit over a year and a half later. . .
We really can't plan too much for what's to come. . . we can just do our best & try to reach & to live our dreams. . . the moment we quit doing that. . . those dreams & our goals fade all too quickly.
We need to be sure to pay attention. I can't but help but to think that this 'blue moon' that is ushering us into this new year might just be a reminder. . .
. . . so I'm going to start by also remembering the lessons & gifts I've been given this past year. . . (of which my little buddy in the top photo is always a part!) That's one great thing about blogging. . . it's great to look back at some of what has filled our lives. I saw on a couple of blogs this morning - that they were looking back & doing a year in review. I loved looking back with them & it had me looking back over my posts. . . (& remembering somethings I had forgotten. . . already!)
So here's my look back. . . my little year in review. Want to come along?
January … I was asked by Meg Hawkey (Crabapple Hill Studio) to be a part of a wonderful quilt that was made to raise funds on behalf of the Susan G. Koman Foundation. I was honored & had so much fun creating my block.
. . . & then I got started working with the lovely 'Aviary' fabric from Moda. . . to what ended up being my 'Apple Blossoms' quilt design.

. . . & I also celebrated the fact that by April - we already have our summer weather starting in full swing!
. . . & I went to Spring Market in Pittsburgh. . . where - because I didn't do a booth - I got to walk around & enjoy a bit of the show!
. . . & the new Cosmo 2 strand floss-on-a-spool from Lecien. . . (coming soon to the website!)
. . . & I waxed on about about a local shop 'Frost' & my new found low fat, low cal treat - gelato. . .
. . . & Dad & went up to Phoenix & saw Michael W. Smith in concert. (. . .great memories.)
. . . & then I started my 'tidying-up' the studio project (still on-going) & I made a curtain cover for my cutting table. . .
My wish for you is that your memories from this past year fill you with joy & wisdom, & as you dream & set goals for this upcoming year - that you are filled with hope & love!
Thank you so much for spending some of your moments of this past year with me here. . . I love that you come by & visit. . .!!
. . . & here's to those wonderful, fleeting, but memorable. . . blue moons!
What a beautiful post and so well spoken!
I didn't start blogging until October of this year, so I missed out on all of the things that you had done prior to that, so thanks for the year in review. I loved it!
I've totally enjoyed following your postings this past year! And your block for the Foundation Quilt remains 'one in a blue moon'! It is one of the most beautiful blocks I have ever seen and I remember posting that way back in January! Have a wonderful 2010!
I remember all of these postings and reviewing them with you brings back lots of good memories for me. You are one of the reasons my sisters and I moved forward with our business. Looking forward to many more memories to come in 2010.
Happy New Year! I'm so glad I founbd your blog! Come check out mione sometime! Polly from auntpollysporch.blogspot.com
Happy New Year, Bren! My favorite part of your year was July!! I can't wait to see what 2010 brings from you! xoxom
Thank you for a wonderful post. I've really enjoyed your blog and look forward to reading it in the new year. I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't know what a blue moon was and am so glad I do now! Happy New Year!
Ah my sweet friend you have had a very good year! The excitement of your own fabric line, with such a special company is my favorite thing (right after Bailey of course). And your blog...it's jsut beautiful! May 2010 be a great year for you! Happy New Year Bren!
Sorry, I mean your blog is JUST beautiful. I do know how to spell, just can't type. BIG SMILEY FACE! I'm drawing it right here!
A fantastic blog, Bren, for your year in review. Thanks for sharing your world with us! xo
Thanks for taking us on a trip down memory lane!
I really enjoy your blog. Happy New Year! Enjoy the time with your Dad.-Michelle
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