You found me!
It was just a matter of time, I guess. For all the time I've been blogging . . . (a few years now), I have always done my blog through my iWeb, which for the record. . . I love, but it has become clearer to me that many folks just couldn't get the blog to open on their PC's. . . (because they don't seem to like to play nice with Macs) . . . so Bailey - my official assistant - & I had a long conversation about it & we both agreed. . . it was time.
So here we are. . . I'm hoping that I will be able to get up to speed with a new blogging format quickly. . . & will try & post as often as I can. . . (& now I will be able to post from anywhere. . . not just from home!) :o) (But if you want to check out the older/other blog - you can click on the tag on the sidebar.)
So, I hope that you come back often, & visit, & comment your hearts out! There's lots to come!
xo, Bren
I'm the first to comment on your new blog! I'm walking tall... I'm walking tall!
PS... will you always remember me as your first?
Your new blog is just so perfectly you, well done and I will be coming often to visit. Hugo sends a woof and tail wag to Bailey, we just went to the big enclosed dog park and Hugo has run himself silly!
Nice place you have here. Hope you like it! Looks good, Bren!!
Love the new space! I too have a Mac and love it. But also have my blog on blogger. Funny how Mac's can play nicely with PCs isn't it?
I am glad you have moved your blog. I will be back often, I had problems with your old site.
Be strong, Brenda! Tell Bailey to cheer up: Wilbur is on Blogspot, too!
Yeah, altough your old blog was so beautiful it took me 20 minutes last night to get a link that worked to you. I'm changing all my links now.xo
Way to go Bren! Your new blog is beautiful! So much easier to use and you're still posting from a mac. A good combination for you. That Bailey is one smart dog! Now go help Nireko with twitter.
Hi Brenda! Your little Bailey is adorable. You'll have to check out my Teddy at librarygalquilts.blogspot.com an older post celebrates his birthday! I will be back often! Pam in Chico
Hi Brenda,
welcome to Blogger ;o)! Of course I subscribed to your blog immediately...
Hugs, Julia
So HERE YOU ARE!! It sure would be nice if PCs could learn to play well with macs, but what can you do. Your new blog still looks lovely even tho Bailey doesn't look convinced.
I made it!! subscribed too :) can't wait to see what you've been up to!
Beautifully done, as usual! Thanks for changing it...now I don't have to say those little cuss words when the page first comes up because it wouldn't let me scroll down the page! It's all so, so pretty, I'm jealous! xox Meg
Brenda -
Your new blog is beautiful, just like you :)
Got all my links re-linked.
Thanks :)
hello--i'm so glad you have a "regular" blog now--i just couldn't read your old one. thanks to pamkittymorning for letting us know about your new one!
Hi Brenda, I had you up and running in 2 seconds. I know it is more work for you but a lot less time for me. Thank you. I will visit often. Congrats on you know what!
oops....iwanaqlt is mahladybug. Not sure what happened. I guess I need to start over.
Hooray! You come by often and now I can finally tell you how much I have appreciated your kind comments-thank you. I'll be back!
Of course we found you....wouldn't miss a word!!! I wil check back often. Hugs, Annie
Thank you, Pam Kitty Morning.
Yay! Your blog page opens right up for me now- which means I can see what you've been up to right away with no wait!
And I ALWAYS love to see what you've been up to!
Hooray!!!! I can get in to visit with you now!!
Thank you for visiting my blog and seeing YOUR Prairie Paisley Patchwork Party setting that you did for the Fat Quarter Shop. It's an awesome pattern. I loved every minute of working on it! You rock, Bren!!
And thank you so much for the beautiful card you sent - that really meant a lot to me!
xox Vicky
WooHoo and another WooHoo - I can stop by now! This will be wonderful.
What a lovely new home you have. And what better way to start off than with that adorable puppy picture???
Yay! I always thought it was me. I'm so glad I can visit your blog.
congrats on switching... i've been following your blog for some time but this makes reading much easier!
sending you a warm thank you on behalf of Vicky LA. anything that makes that sweet lady happy makes me very happy too.
I'm so glad that you have made your beautiful new blog!! It will be so much easier to see what you're up to.
It sounds like you had a great time at market. I wish I could have been there too.
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