There they are. . . the darlings of Sample Spree. . . fabrics bundles, jelly rolls, & layer cakes.
Sweet medicine to heal whatever ails a quilter's heart. These happen to be from the Moda table. . . & are from the upcoming line, 'Rouenneries' from French General. (. . . & yes - I bought one of everything they offered in this line!)
The room is filled with tables that represent designers, & other fabric companies - & at some point each of the tables is swarmed with quilters . . . but everyone knows. . . the company that really makes a huge impact (. . . like get out of the way when they open the doors - or else you'll really understand the meaning of 'impact'!). . . is Moda, & their multiple tables . . piled high . . . with the newest Moda releases.
Here they are before the doors open - creating the mini towers of wonderfulness. . .

. . . & here is sweet Debbie Outlaw, & Debby Duckworth (Ducky!) waiting for all the 'fun' to begin! (Debbie had an idea of how much I was loving the Rouenneries line. . . & do you notice that she is keeping a hand on the bundle on the top of the pile. . . just in case. . . ?!)
. . . then the moment finally arrives. . . the doors open. . . & it's time to high-tail-it to safety - if you are anywhere near the Moda tables. Seriously - it is honestly as much fun to watch the folks line up to get pictures of the "rush"!) As fast as they can fill the bags & write up the receipts - the Moda workers work in teams to get folks what they want. . . FABRIC!
The next morning - the Market floor opens, & you are greeted by charming faces such as these, Bonnie (Cotton Way) & her daughter Camille (Thimble Blossoms). They are a mother & daughter design team with their second Moda line, Simple Abundance, making it's debut at this Market. Aren't they cute!!!? (Sorry for the poor photo quality - as the morning light into the convention center was intense!)
Here is Bonnie's quilt, 'Life's Journeys', hanging in one of the Moda booths . . . I just love this line! (& this quilt!)
This is the Minick & Simpson booth. . . (I missed getting Lauries photo. . . but I couldn't help myself & took this photo of her wonderful new quilt, 'Coastal Lily', made from their new line, 'Wiscasset. I think it's stunning. . . !
This is another Moda line (that is making me drool) - & it's the new 3 Sister's line called Aster Manor. (I keep my bundle by my bed & have been playing with the fat quarters every night!). . . so pretty!
Then I got a sweet surprise & found, in the United Notions booth, my 'Frosted Windowpanes' quilt - made from the soon to arrive, 'Glace' line by 3 Sisters. Moda is even making kits for this quilt . . . so if you are interested - ask your local quilt shop! (& I know that FQS is also taking reservations for the kits!)
Before we leave the Moda area, I just had to show you this adorable little stitchery from Kathy Schmitz. I just love Kathy's designs & I always have to get a bundle of her stitchery patterns! Although it's really hard to choose, this one was my favorite . . . (can you guess why?!!) :o)
So there's a little more of Quilt Market. Tomorrow. . . my big Market blunder. . . (sigh).
xo, Bren
I just love the frenzy that ensues at the Moda table. You are just lucky enough to get a hand in to grab a goodie. Okay, I can't believe that you had a market blunder.
i think if i ever got to see that Moda table in person I'd go nuts and my arms couldn't hold all that i would want to get!
i'm definitely getting Wiscasset and The French General fabric, that's fer sure! thanks so much for more wonderful glimpses of Market.
You're so lucky you get to see it all in person -- I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven!!!
Goodness, look at that frenzie! Oh, to have been one in that crowd!
Yep, I have my Frosted Windowpanes on reserve with Kimberly! It should be coming really soon, and I'm going to immediately start in on the applique! I can't wait!
Great pix!!
I thought that was your lovely quilt Bren! That's amazing that they are kitting this one up. You talented lucky girl you! :)
What a wonderful post and so much eye candy, Moda eye candy.....YUMMMMY!!! Love your Frosted Window Pane quilt and I'm off to FQS to reserve my kit!
Love your new blog and it loaded so FAST!
Lots of wonder to behold!
Love the little acorn on Kathy Schmidt's design. :-)(
Your market pics are wonderful...I can't even imagine what a treat it must be to be in person at that Moda table (assuming you're not behind bunches of people)! And I love your Frosted Windowpanes quilt! Glad I found your new blog address!
Can't wait to see what you come up with French General fabrics, (I'm not even going there on the name...).
thank you for all the photos... especially of sample spree.. a true friend braved it all to get me some of Simple Abundance and after seeing all these photos of what she went through I feel like I owe her the world!
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