By now, you have probably seen more photos of Pittsburgh & Spring Quilt Market than you ever though you would, but I hope that you won't mind just a few more.
I was actually pleasantly surprised by the incredible skyline & architecture of Pittsburgh. The contrast of the old buildings & the newer modern buildings was stunning. I never tired of each new view.
. . . & then there were the bridges. . . lots of bridges!
This one was just outside the glass walls of the convention center, & was the backdrop to a meeting that I had . . .
. . . What a great way to do business!
I snapped these photos with my iPhone (in fact all of them were) - on the first day of set up - walking across the 'glass bridge' that spans the convention center. Oh my. . .! What a chore setting up is! But is is also amazing what gets accomplished in such a short time! (1 1/2 days)
Here's the east side of the convention center . . . just a few hours into set up. . .
. . . & here it is the morning of the first day of the Market floor being open.
. . . & here is the west side of the convention center. . . a few hours into set up. . .
. . . & here it is the morning of the first day.

What a transformation! Amazing, isn't it?!
I didn't have a booth for this Market - (as I had to leave mid-weekend for a family event in Minneapolis), so I had the pleasure of getting to walk around & take it all in. I have often referred to Quilt Market as a quilter's 'Disneyland'. . . & that's just what it felt like this time! I did have a bit of business to take care of though. . . (more on that a little later!) ;o) . . . & I did a Schoolhouse presentation for Lecien. That was fun! It was just like being in front of a classroom again. . . & I felt right at home. (I'll certainly be doing Schoolhouse again at Fall Market!)
So there's the morning of my first day at Market. Next, there will be some more of the fun & of the wonderful people there!
xo, Bren
Funny, I always take pictures with my iPhone, but never thought of posting them. They actually look pretty good. Thanks for sharing.
i'll never get tired of seeing Quilt Market picures. Describing it as the quilter's Disneyland is just how i would feel about it too.
what could be better than seeing all those designers and all that fabric and all those patterns in one place.
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