SInce I knew that I would not be shopping (long story - but you will never find me at out in the hub-bub of the-day-after-Thanksgiving-shopping-mania. . .)
I thought about getting down some Christmas decorations from the attic. . . but I started some laundry instead. . .
Then I kept walking past my studio & I couldn't take it any longer. . .
Now, don't get me wrong. . . I really love my studio space. As my business has grown - so has my studio space. Since moving into my house almost 10 years ago - I used a back bedroom - right off the family room for it & my office. . . Then it got a bit crowded & so my office was moved out & took over the guest bedroom & the studio could expand a little. . . then last year after I began to outgrow my bedroom size studio space, I moved it out to where the family room was (as really no one was using the family room any longer. . . except me to walk through to get to my crowded studio room . . .). It was a great move - but also made my studio visible to anyone coming into the kitchen area.
I have some great storage pieces that I've kind of "collected" - but that work for me. One is some tall wire-shelf kitchen storage shelves on wheels. My Dad & I made a top for it from a discarded melamine desk back - that my Dad framed out with some moulding & then I painted it a creamy white. It worked wonderfully for many years as my cutting table as it stands at about 38". These days it is more of the ironing area & the shelves store everything from threads, to unfinished projects, to fabrics I just cant part with.
Then I have my "newer' cutting table that it made from two white trestle pieces that I got from IKEA a few years ago & a solid butcher block for the top. I love this table & it sits in the center of the studio & gets used for so many things. . .
There's also a former oversized coffee table that is now against the wall & is the line-up table for fabrics & upcoming projects. (Which is a nice way to say it's covered in baskets (& has baskets lined up under it) & piles of fabric. . .) :o)
Then - under one of the large windows (which I love for all the light they bring into the studio) is a great big farm table where my sewing machine lives.
There's an armoire angled in a corner - between the two large windows where a TV still lives. There really wasn't anywhere else to put it - & it is nice to have it there & have a movie on when I'm working for long hours in the studio.
BUT . . . because all of this is so visible these days. . . the wire shelves on wheels - with all their contents 'exposed' - has been grating on me. . . & so it was time to do something about it. . .
See this fabric?
Anyone recognize it?
It is the main floral from 'Seaside Rose'. A 3 Sister's line by Moda. . . Vintage-y, soft & beautiful & classic. . . (sigh) - it is - my favorite fabric.
Seriously. I mean. . . lookie . .

I first saw it when I attended my very first Quilt Market. I didn't have a booth yet & was checking out Market & the quilting industry & was too intimidate to even go up to the Moda booths. . . But, I l-o-v-e-d this fabric (& the whole line as well) so much that I went home & opened up an account with Moda & ordered lots & lots of bolts of Seaside Rose. (I still can't bring myself to use up the last of what I have from that order & that was several years ago!) Anyway. . . Moda re-released the fabric as one of the 3 Sisters Favorites. . . as well as producing the print in a wider 54" width for Moda Home.
In the past year - the fabric/print has been slowly phased out (to make room for wonderful new designs!) & when I noticed it. . . I couldn't help myself. . . I still loved it as much as when I first saw it & still had visions of curtains, pillows, slipcovers. . .
(Can you guess where this is going? . . .)
So now I am the proud owner of bolts (& bolts) of both the quilt weight (42") & the home furnishings weight (54") of it. I still have plans for creating my dream living room & bedroom using this fabric. . .
. . . I'm in Seaside Rose heaven.
So, when it came time to 'dress' my storage table in the studio - there was no question. This was the fabric that I would love to be greeted by every day!
I simply made four panels (two for the front - that could be pulled open to access the shelves - & one panel for each side). I attached cafe rods to the underside of the shelving top that we had made with simple screw-in cup hooks & then slid on the panels (with very simple rod-pockets) & that was all there was to it. . .!
Not a bad way to spend "the day after" Thanksgiving!. . . (& you should see the silly grin that I can't keep off my face every time I walk into &/or past my studio!. . . Can you imagine when I get in there to work!?! There may be fits of uncontrollable giggling!)
I hope that you enjoyed your "day after" Thanksgiving. . . (even if you did go shopping!)
Tomorrow. . . I think there will be boughs (& tiny white lights) making their appearance all over the house. . .
. . . Won't that look good with my new table skirt?! (grin!)
xo, Bren
Seaside Rose is my absolute favorite Moda fabric line from years ago. I made the Seaside Rose quilt from the pattern and kit they offered. I can't tell you how much I love it. And I still have fabric left, which I'll eventually make into a king size quilt for our bed. sigh
Thanks for showing what you did with your yardage. I'm jealous that you still had that much left! ;-)
happy Day After Thanksgiving.
I love that line as well...and have a (much smaller) stash of it that I hoard...too afraid to use for anything! I love the table's absolutely gorgeous...and what a perfect way to spend the day after Thanksgiving!
It is so fun to read about your obsession with lovely fabric! So many of us can relate. By the way, the table skirt is awesome.
That look so good!
What a fantastic idea! I have my Ikea butcher block table with Elfa drawers underneath in the living room. Yes, I have it right out in the open. And maybe the kitchen cart (of my dreams). And the table in my longarm room (do you see what you started?)...
It's amazing how a little bit of fabric can do for an area! Love that line!! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! We did! Took a bit of down time...oh so nice.
lol, it is beautiful!! Enjoy it everyday. ;0
Seaside Rose is the fabric that got me hooked on fabric! I have a cutting table I would like to put a skirt around as well, but I don't think I could use my Seaside stash to do it.
Your's is beautiful!
I love Seaside Rose! Your studio room is wonderful and so inviting. I, too, had a great time staying home from Balck Friday and got alot done.
I love, love, love it! We have very similar taste in fabric. It just makes your heart sing!!!
Gorgeous! Makes feel ashamed about the condition of my own room.
OK Brenda- does your studio always look that pretty- or do you clean it up for photos (like I do!)???
*Sigh* I can see why it puts a grin on your face!
And,I thought I was the only one obsessed with Seaside Rose! Now I know what I'm going to do with my yardage that I have had stashed away -- use it in my own sewing room! I'm inspired!
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