I love this time. One - because we meet at my house & it's so nice to have friends over (especially to stitch!), & I love the time spent together stitching, talking, catching up, & sharing. I had missed that - as I've not been a part of a stitching group in quilt awhile. Also. . . it's so nice to work on a project that is not my own! It's tempting to pull out some of my designs to work on, but I've decided that this is my 'me' time. . . & the time that I get to work on the projects that I've been wanting to - but have just been sitting on the shelf. . . (& I have about 3 more waiting!) So, this time has become very precious to me & I feel encouragement & refreshed to get back to my designs & projects.
Speaking of encouragement. . . there is a special person in my life who, because of her encouragement, got me seriously considering taking my designing to the quilt world. . . ( & completely changed everything, as now designing is all I do!) Her name is Jereé McDade (of Quilted Quickies). Jereé has her own quilt shop & design business - & how she does them both. . . I can't fathom! Jereé started a blog a little over a year ago - but then when things got way too busy. . . (again running a shop & designing too!) - the blog was what had to take a back seat. . . BUT!. . .
She's back! (Yea Jereé !) Like I used to have my blog from my iWeb page - Jereé has been doing her's that way too - but like me - she has come to accept that so many PC's don't seem to 'play nice' with anything "Mac" & often refuse to open up the web pages from a Mac - so Jereé is also doing a PC friendly version. So - please be sure to give her a visit!
Here are the links: Mac friendly version: Life & Times of Quilted Quickies
PC friendly version: Quilted Quickies
Well. . . I'd better get myself out the door. . . I have some wool (that I dyed over the weekend) to deliver to a local shop & then I think for most of the rest of the day I'll be at the computer - working in Photoshop . . . on the graphics for a new design I'm working on. . . (& am very excited about!) . . .
. . . & then, of course, there's the girls coming over for stitching tonight. . . (happy sigh!)
xo, Bren
Wow! What fun! I love the Aunt Millie pattern...and I can't wait to see pics! Wish I could be there! Have lots of fun! Its cold and blustery here today, so I think I'm going to work on some hand work as well: my Jacob's Coat quilt!
Oh, have fun stitching...it's so fun to sew with friends! I'm off to visit your friend's blog!
Thanks Bren...I thank you so much and appreciate your kind comments. I knew your name would be up in lights someday! ;-)
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